fredag, november 18, 2005

I mangel på nye indlæg, har jeg hermed tænkt mig at poste noget Aussie slang - Enjoy:

Ace! : Excellent! Very good!
Aussie salute : brushing away flies with the hand
Banana bender : a person from Queensland
Boomer : a large male kangaroo
Bored shitless : very bored
Booze bus : police vehicle used for catching drunk drivers
Cobber : friend
Cranky : in a bad mood, angry
Crack a fat : get an erection
Dag : a funny person, nerd, goof Dog's balls, stands out like : obvious
Fair dinkum : true, genuine
Gutful of piss : drunk, "he's got a gutful of piss"
Journo : journalist
Kangaroos loose in the top paddock : Intellectually inadequate ("he's got kangaroos loose in the top paddock")
London to a brick : absolute certainty ("it's London to a brick that taxes won't go down") Smoko : smoke or coffee break
Yabber : talk (a lot)

Hav en rigtig god weekend!

Hilsen Thomas